Our company ScienceFictionArchives.com (a brand of Callisto Exhibition Group), develops educational traveling exhibition on themes such as science, science fiction and cinema, around it's unique collection of original objects of SciFi movies. It aims to inspire current and future generations through the marvel of art, and also preserve and develop its collection and make it available to worldwide museums.
Arnaud Grunberg, Callisto Exhibition Group President, is passionate by Sci-Fi since a very young age, and began collecting objects related to this genre in the late 70s. But it is in 1989 that he acquires his first original object from a film, an alien egg from James Cameron's movie Aliens. Thereafter, the collection grew rapidly to the point that in the 90s, the historical interest of this collection has become obvious to Arnaud Grunberg and he founded, in 2008, the company in order to ensure sustainability and share it with the public through exhibitions.
With over 10,000 items including 1,500 original artifacts from SciFi movies, ScienceFictionArchives.com is one of the largest collections of SciFi cinema in the world. The archives include objects (costumes, props, models, masks creatures, illustrations, merchandising... ) from more than 80 films, including some major film sagas like Alien, Battlestar Galactica, The Matrix, Planet of the Apes, Back to the Future, Star Trek, Star Wars, Terminator...
Since 2008 our company has worked on more than 10 exhibitions, including those following :
- 2010 - Science (and) Fiction: Imagination Meets Reality at Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie in Paris
- 2011 - Of Toys and Men at Paris' RMN Grand Palais/Galerie Nationale
- 2012 - Star Wars Toys : The Exhibition at Arts Décoratifs museum in Paris
- 2012 - Science and Fiction at Maison Folie Wazemmes in Lille
- 2012 - And Man... Created Robots! at Arts et Métiers museum in Paris
- 2013 - Robots : From Movies to Toys at Arts et Métiers museum in Paris
The traveling exhibition Robots : From Movies to Toys is currently touring France
Since 2008 our company has developed a solid reputation in museums and cultural institutions throughout the world where we offer a suite of exhibition-related services to supplement and completement existing programs and ressources. our clients include international cultural, art, hsitory, and science institutions seeking temporary traveling exhibitions to present to their audience and traveling exhibition services from Callisto Exhibition Group to support their exhibition programs. Those institutions ans museums are La Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie - Universcience (Paris' science museum), Arts Décortaifs museum in Paris, Arts et Métiers museum in Paris, Bonn's modern art museum in Germany, and Disneyland Paris resort and theme park.
Since 2013, Callisto Exhibition Group is a member of Ecsite, the european network of science centres and museums, linking science communication professionals in more than 400 institutions in 50 countries (www.ecsite.eu).
- The objects of the Archives are not for sale.
- We keep carefully for the long term.
- We expose the objects with respect for their integrity.
- We commit ourselves not to let objects appears in other films or TV series.
- The objects of the archive are described with precision and intellectual rigor.
The company has several experts who have worked in the media industry, in movies, in event organization and in nationwide exhibitions. Our combined experience allows us to develop relevant exhibitions and this expertise allowed us to provide interviews to media coverage, to take part to public and private companies with a unique knowledge, or to participate in seminars and debates on topics related to science fiction. In addition, the team is under the Honorary President Mr. Robert Watts, a close associate of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg for 15 years, who has produced or co-produced The Empire Strikes Back, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
Robert Watts - Honorary President : The company is under the auspices of the Honorary President Mr. Robert Watts, and thus supports our mission to preserve iconic Sci-Fi items. Robert Watt’s has worked closely with Stanley Kubrick, Albert “Cubby” Broccoli (James Bond), George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. Mr Watts served as producer or co-producer Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit ?.
Arnaud Grunberg - President : An expert in science fiction, Arnaud Grunberg has been collecting Sci-Fi related objects since the late 70’s. He has thus gathered one of the most important private collections in the world. When he created ScienceFictionArchives.com in 2008, one of Arnaud Grunberg’s personal commitments was to open the collection to thepublic, and brought him to literally save some works of art from destruction or mere oblivion. An added value of his collection is that it has now also come to serve aneducational purpose, for movie lovers as much as for a wider public. Arnaud Grunberg was a Curator for the following, highly successful exhibitions: Science (and) Fiction: Imagination Meets Reality, Science & Fiction, Star Wars Toys: The Exhibition and Robots: From Movies to Toys.
Patrice Girod - Exhibition Director : Additionnaly to his functions, he doulbes as the French leading authority on the Star Wars saga, having previously worked 20 years with George Lucas’ company. He published the Lucasfilm Magazine and produced the only official Star Wars conventions ever held in France in 2005 and 2007. He was also Curator of the following exhibitions: Star Wars : The Exhibition at Paris’ Science Museum in 2005, Science (and) Fiction: Imagination Meets Reality, Science & Fiction, Star Wars Toys: The Exhibition and Robots: From Movies to Toys. In early 2014, he served as a consultant for X3 Productions, French TV TF1 and Lucasfilm Ltd, on the Star Wars Identities exhibition at la Cité du Cinéma in Paris, and contributed to the wide promotion of the exhibition in international media.